A Union of Hopkins PhDs

Commit to Vote UNION YES This Spring

Our Platform: What We Deserve from Hopkins

  • Living Wages for All
  • Guaranteed On-Time Payment
  • Improved Support for International Students
  • Safe and Reliable Transportation and Workspaces
  • Effective Grievance Procedures
  • Commitment to the City of Baltimore

Want to read more about our platform? Visit “Our Platform for a Better Hopkins” to read more.

Ready to join one of the largest union waves in recent history?
Sign your union card today!

We are Teachers and Researchers United

We are a movement of graduate student workers at Johns Hopkins University organizing a union in order to win improvements in our working conditions and demand dignity, respect, and a contract. From labs to classrooms, graduate workers at JHU keep the university running. As scholars and as teaching and research assistants, we exercise care and expertise in building the twin pillars of higher education: research and instruction.

We are affiliated with United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers (UE). We share their belief that unions are for everyone, and that a member-led and organized union is the best way to achieve wins for workers.

United Electrical - The Union for Everyone


Click here to make a donation to support graduate worker organizing at JHU.

Photos from our 10/25/22 card drop rally!